Behind the Scenes of Avocado Perfection: The Dry Matter Magic

At the start of the season, Picking the ideal avocado is no small feat, and at The Avo Tree, we turn into playful detectives on a tasty mission. That mission is finding out when our fruit has met maturity and is ready to be picked. We need our fruit to be at a certain maturity before picking, because if they aren’t, they simply will not ripen correctly, hold the right nutritional value or taste any good. This quest kicks off with the selection of not one, but ten avocados straight from different trees in an orchard, each one nestled comfortably in the crisp winter air.

The Avo Tree

Each avo goes into our lab and with a swift slice, we procure a sliver of the fresh, unripe avocado – our first piece of evidence in this fruity mystery. This little avocado titbit gets weighed before it’s off for a 24-hour vacay in what we fondly call the “avocado spa” – a dehydrator.

After its relaxing retreat, our avocado piece gets a second weigh-in. The weight difference? That’s our dry matter – a savoury mix of sugars and fats, the secret whisperer that reveals just how ready this avocado is to shine in the limelight (a.k.a. your kitchen). We average the results of all ten avocados to ensure a fair verdict.

The Avo Tree

But we don’t stop there! The avocado seed also falls under our discerning gaze. We’re hunting for a fashion-forward seed, showing off a dark woody brown colour rather than a pale white – a sure sign of a mature, seasoned avocado, ready for your culinary adventures.

But here’s the zesty twist! We only have to play ‘avocado detectives’ for the first month or so of the season. Beyond that, the avocados have done their homework, and we know they’ve reached maturity in all our orchards. The result? Avos which will ripen perfectly, every time!

Some might dub this meticulous process ‘avocado overkill,’ but for us, it’s just another thrilling day at the ‘avo-office.’ We dive into all this detective work to ensure each avocado we send your way is in prime form and ready to steal the show in your dishes. So, prepare yourself for a wave of deliciousness!

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The Avo Tree


Avos: The ultimate tree huggers
Avocado for baby—3 easy ways (4+ months)
Here’s why The Avo Tree will never coolstore avocados (and why they taste so great!)

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