6 sexy foods to get you in the mood (according to science!)

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own

There are few pleasures in life greater than food, right? Well, some foods are thought to make other pleasures even more…. pleasurable!

Throughout history, certain foods have been revered for their ability to boost mood, promote feelings of wellbeing, and yep, get you feelin’ frisky!

And it makes sense: good nutrition is crucial for your body to do “its thing” properly, and some foods do indeed harbour specific nutrients that can support (or encourage!) healthy sexual function.

So, without further ado, here are our top six foods to get you in the mood!

(spoiler alert: our favourite one is avocado!)

1. Avocado

You know how walnuts are great for your brain – and also look a little like a brain?

Well, the Aztecs believed that avocados looked a little like… er, the gonads. They named avocados ahucatl (which translates as testicle) for this reason, and because avocados were found to help induce sexual passion.

And indeed, avocados are fantastic for the libido! They’re rich in folic acid and vitamin B6, both of which play valuable roles in breaking down energy from food. Folic acid and B6 are also key nutrients involved in your body’s production of neurotransmitters – aka. the ‘happy chemicals’ that support good mood (kinda important for jumping in the sack!)

That’s not the only way avocados can have you feeling fine. Their high fibre content and healthy monounsaturated fats are exactly what your gut needs to help create serotonin, another good-mood chemical tied to the gut-brain connection.


Find our avo-loving recipes here

2. Ginger

Sex life needs a little zing? Ginger is the thing!

Spicy, warming ginger has been shown to boost arousal and sexual function and fulfilment in women. This is thanks to ginger’s powerful circulatory effects, which help to boost blood flow around the body – including to the ‘nether regions’ (important!). It’s also known to support fertility.

Ginger is packed with antioxidants, which help to fight the oxidative stress – a big dampener on sexual function. Best of all, ginger can go in anything: smoothies, stir-fries, beverages, desserts… get creative!

The Avo Tree Digest Tea

Shop our avo leaf digest tea enriched with ginger here

3. Asparagus

This green stalky veg contains asparaptine, a newly discovered compound that appears to be effective in improving blood flow and preventing high blood pressure. Both of these effects are vital for keeping all parts of your anatomy in good working order!

The species asparagus racemosus – a close cousin of standard asparagus is an Ayuvredic favourite when it comes to boosting sexual stamina. Known as shatavari, this ancient plant grows wild throughout India and the Himalayas and is a wonderful adaptogen (stress reliever). In Ayurveda, shatavari is sometimes referred to as the ‘queen of all herbs’ for its benefits in  enhancing sexual sensation and sensitivity – espcially for women. Research has suggested that shatavari can modulate estrogen, which can be helpful for women going through menopause.

6 foods to get you in the mood

4. Oysters

Oysters have long been revered for inciting randiness . Greek mythology tells that the goddess of love, Aphrodite, emerged from the sea in an oyster shell – which is partly why these slippery shellfish have since been prized for their ability to boost sex drive.

But it may not be all myth! Oysters are rich in zinc, which is crucial for men’s sexual function and fertility. Low levels of zinc can even result in reduced testosterone levels and abnormal sperm count ( which is certainly not going to help any bloke’s mood!).

Oysters are also an excellent source of Omega 3, which contributes to healthy brain function and those mood-lifting neurotransmitters again. Head on down to Bluff and tuck in!

6 foods to get you in the mood

5. Dark chocolate

Could life get any better? Dark chocolate can pick you up AND turn you on!

This rich treat contains small amounts of a hormone called phenylethylamine (PEA), which occurs naturally in the human brain. Studies show that PEA is higher in the brains of people who have just fallen in love! (perhaps the perfect pre-shag snack?)

But singletons can still get their kick out of the dark stuff. PEA is a mild stimulant, which lifts your mood and helps to bring on those positive vibes.

Double Chocolate & Gingernut Avocado ‘Cheesecake’

Find our recipe for this double chocolate and gingernut avocado ‘cheesecake’ here

6. Artichokes

Okay, less fun than chocolate, but still (apparently) an aphrodisiac!

A variety of the thistle species, artichokes is actually a flower – or rather, the bud of the thistle. Here’s the sexy part: an artichoke must be “undressed” to be eaten… that is, you remove its leaves to get to the tasty heart. Sensual? Perhaps!

The artichoke’s aphrodisiac qualities may be due to its high antioxidant content: it has the highest of any vegetable. Antioxidants have endless benefits for sexual health: they can help to boost the female sex drive, and may even help prevent erectile dysfunction in men. One study even showed that when men increased their intake of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, they reduced their risk of erectile dysfunction by 19%!

Artichokes are also rich in potassium: super important for keeping your heart pumping and your muscles functioning (use your imagination here!)

6 sexy foods to get you in the mood (according to science)


6 sexy foods to get you in the mood (according to science!)
5 reasons Reed avocados are ridiculously good
Your intro to the mighty avo

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